What it meant to be a F.A.T.H.E.R for me..
1) I got my daughter to carry my name on hers
2) I got to be in the labour room and see it all as it happened
3) I got to 'basuh uri'
4) I got elevated title from 'a husband' to 'a husband + a father'
5) I can make use of my paternity leave
6) I got my family and friends to congratulate me of being a father
7) I can perform a 'majlis cukur jambul'
8) I got one extra birthday to celebrate each year
9) I got another mouth to feed
10) I can buy a baby car seat
11) I can buy a 'gelonsor'
12) I can go to the children section in the shopping complex/supermarket
13) I can buy a 'susu formula'
14) I can buy baby diapers
15) I can say "This is my daughter" to others
16) I got to watch every cartoon series that she wanted to watch.. together
17) I can teach her to learn A.. B.. C..
18) I can teach her to learn 'alif.. ba.. ta..'
19) I can teach her to sing 'nenek.. nenek.. si bongkok tiga'
20) I can teach her to learn how to ride a bike..
And, many many many many (x1000) more things that I can only imagine before she came into our life..
Thanks to ALLAH, I am grateful with HIS precious gift ! Alhamdulillah..
Note : Finally, my lovely wife got it right .. thanks for the wish..
3 ulasan:
hmm..tambahan lagi,
"I can clean her from wee-wee and poo-poo..."
super sweet. :) your daughter is one lucky kid!
TQ for the compliment.. errr... (speechless) *sigh*
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